Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Civil War's Catostraphic Output

The Civil War was fought between two contentious sides of the United States. The North vs. the South. These two sections were not exactly antithetical, but had very diverse and different views of certain situations. The North and South were not quite similar when it came to their views and opinions, but the South’s agreeable view to slavery caused conflict between the two regions. Southerners relied on the work of slaves, for they accompanied much land on plantations. Northerners did not have the need for slaves because they were a bit more industrialized, resulting in more revolt towards slavery use. In California, slavery issues began to rise. The war led to many conflicts between the South and the North. African Americans began to fight for their freedom. They made up a small majority of the population but their servitude was many. There were many casualties on both sides of the war. The African populations made up a small amount of the North’s population, but more than 10% had joined to help fight with the Union. No matter how hard they fought, no matter how man had died, the African American population still was abused my discrimination. They were segregated from the whites and were treated under them. Conditions turned harsh on both sides. Women began to take a stand. They helped nurse the wounded. Even though women were not given the proper justification, they still helped put healing hands in the wars fatal accidents. The war overpowered much of the South. The Union lost much of its resources. It’s lack of economical resources led to starvation. The North was undergoing an economic boom. This wasn’t all so very tainting, for it had its down faults. Many immigrants were not getting paid what they needed or should have been. They faced a crisis and began to strike. When people quit, whites began to hire slaves to work for them. The Civil War was full of many hard and rough times. It not only changed the North and South subtly, but it changed their whole lifestyle and culture.

1 comment:

Andrew C said...

Relatively short and concise compared to all the things that happened in the Civil War. I like the video and the font.

Some of your sentences are too short, and you should add a label to the post.