Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Major Events of the Pacific War

In World War II, the United States had to fight wars in many parts of the world. After the victory in Europe, the Pacific was the the next focus for America. Some major events in the Pacific War were: the Doolittle's Raid, the Battle of the Coral Sea, the Battle of Midway, the Battle of Guadacanal, the Battle in Leyte Gulf, Iwo Jima, the Battle of Okinawa, and Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Event One: Doolittle's Raid
On April 18, 1942, Lieutenant Colonel James Doolittle led sixteen bombers in a raid of Tokyo. This raid was the turning of the tide in the Pacific War. 

Event Two: Battle of the Coral Sea
In May 1942, the United States and the Australian troops succeeded in stopping Japan's drive toward Australia in five days. This was the first time since Pearl Harbor that a Japanese invasion had been stopped and turned back.

Event Three: Battle of Midway
On June 3, 1942, Admiral Chester Nimitz moved to defend the island of Midway, a strategic island northwest of Hawaii. Americans had broken the Japanese code and knew that they were going to attack the island. His scout planes found Japanese fleet and attacked them. This was another turning point in the war.

Event Four: Battle of Guadacanal
In August 1942, 19,000 Allied troops went to Guadacanal and fought the Japanese troops there. After six months, the Japanese troops abandoned the island. This was the first Japanese defeat on land.

Event Five: Battle of Leyte Gulf
Continuing to leapfrog from island to island, the next battle took place in the Philippines in 1944. Kamikaze planes were first used in this battle. Still, the Japanese suffered many damages. After this, the Imperial Navy only played a minor role in defense for Japan.

Event Six: Iwo Jima
Iwo Jima was the most heavily defended spot on Earth at this time period, and it was critical to the United States because it provided a base from which bombers can reach Japan. After the victory, the United States only had one island standing between the Allies and Japan: Okinawa.

Event Seven: Battle of Okinawa
In April 1945, the Allies battled with Japan on the island of Okinawa. The Allies faced even fiercer opposition than on Iwo Jima. With many losses on both sides, the fighting ended on June 21, 1945 with the Allies winning.

Event Eight: Hiroshima (Little Boy) and Nagasaki (Fat Man)
On August 6, 1945, Enola Gay dropped the atomic bomb, Little Boy, on the city of Hiroshima. Three days later, the atomic bomb, Fat Man, was released on Nagasaki because the Japanese leaders refused to surrender. Horrified by the atrocities, Emperor Hirohito ordered the Japanese leaders to surrender.

Event Nine: End of War
On September 2, 1945, the Japanese leaders formally surrendered on a United States battleship called Missouri in Tokyo Bay.

The end of the Pacific War marked the end of World War II. However, the end of the world led to the beginning of many other events. The Nuremberg War Trials put surviving Nazi leaders on trial for war crimes, and the United States occupied Japan for seven years. Also, the growing tension between the Soviet Union and the United States will lead to the Cold War.

 - Angela


Petra said...

this blog is very long and has a ton of information! good layout of the information and good summary at the end of your blog. good job!

Jonathan Nguyen said...

I like how you broke the events down into the 9 main parts and explaining each and every one individually. I can see you spent lots of time and effort on this, and the end result is wonderful! Good Job!(: