Tuesday, March 2, 2010


During the 1950s, a fear of communism had spread around the world. People in United State feared that the communist would take over the government. At this time, Joseph McCarthy started his “witch hunt” to the communist.
As a senator with undistinguished achievement, Joseph McCarthy wanted to take advantage of people’s fear in order to get reelected in 1952. In 1950, he declared that he had a list of members of communists who were employed in the State Department. Although he had never produce a singe name, he rose to a national fame. He had also accused the Democratic Party for allowing communist infiltration into the government.
Because the attack on the communist and the Democratic might help the republicans win the 1952 presidential election, few Republicans spoke out to stop McCarthy’s attack. As their wish, the republican Dwight Eisenhower won the 1952 presidential election.
McCarthy successfully accused the State Department, the administration of President Truman, and the United State Army. In 1954, McCarthy experienced his downfall as he accused U.S. Army of coddling Communist. Millions of American watched McCarthy malign people with no defense from television. McCarthyism became a term which stands for making accusations without proper regard for evidence. Also in 1954, McCarthy was disciplined due to the vote of senate.


Liane said...

Next time you could add spaces between your paragraphs to make it easier for the reader to follow. You could add a closing statement also, to wrap up your blog.

Andrew C said...

good summary. add a conclusion. mention how handsome he looks. need label

Madelaine said...

Great information with complete context. I was not aware of what McCarthyism really is until I read your posting.
You need a little conclusion but great job overall.

yeahitsjim! said...

interesting topic. you did a nice job at explaining the whole idea of Mccarthyism. the picture is an interesting choice. you could have done a better job with the pictures. overall nice job!