Wednesday, April 28, 2010

JFK Assasination

The Death of an American Hero

JFK was assassinated on November 22, 1963. His death is one of the most controversial presidential deaths and is often shrouded in mystery. After his death the FBI, Warren Commission, and HSCA conducted a search that concluded Lee Harvey Oswald was the murderer of JFK. However his motives remain debated as Mr. Oswald was shot by Jack Ruby before going to trial. In 1979, the HSCA and found the searches done by the FBI and Warren Commission to be faulty and concluded that it was very probabable that one of the conspiracy theories was true. Additionally they determined there was a "high probability" that there were actually two gunmen. However other private investigations have called into question the accuracy in these claims.

At around noon as JFK's limousine wsa entering dealey plaza Lee Harvey Ozwald shot Kennedy in the the back of the head killing him almost instantly the bullet then proceded to hit Governer Connally cause massive internal damage. Connally later recovered and in his statement said he instantly recognized the sound of a high powered rifle at the time he was shot. When he was shot he started crying "Oh, no, no, no. My god, they are going to kill us all!" which has spawned some conspiracy theories relating to his knowledge of the attack.

Lee Harvey Oswald was not captured until an hour and twenty minutes after the shooting. He was declared missing by his supervisor at a depository. When caught, he was found trying to get into a theatre without paying and initially resisted the police, pulline a gun and claiming they were only arressting him because he was a patsy. However he was beaten down and taken into custody. JFK's assassination shock the nation and when they truth does come out. Hopefully he can rest in peace.


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