Wednesday, March 24, 2010


McCarthyism is political motive of accusing people of disloyalty, and treason with no evidence. These attacks were on suspected communist in the early 1950’s. Senator, Joseph McCarthy, the most famous anti communists activist of the 1950’s. Even though he had a reputation of being an ineffective legislator. In 1950, he realized he needed a winning issue to be reelected in 1952. Searching for such an issue, McCarthy charged that communists were talking over the government, and this is how McCarthyism was born. Some causes of McCarthyism were: soviets successfully establish Communist regimes in Easter Europe after WWII, Soviets develop the atomic bomb more quickly than expected, Korean War ends in a stalemate, Republicans gain politically by accusing Truman and Democrats of being on Communism. Some effects of these causes are: Americans were subjected to taking loyalty oath and undertaking loyalty investigations, and Many Americans were afraid of speaking about their minds. In 1954, McCarthy made accusations against the U.S army, which accused a national televised Senate investigation. McCarthy’s bullying of witnesses caused him to loose the support of the public. The Senate condemned McCarthy for improper conduct that “tended to bring the Senate into dishonor and disrepute.” Three years later he died from alcoholism, ending the McCarthyism era.

by Da Vonnia, and Edoardo


victor said...

I like the picture as a visual aid to go with your posting. I never knew McCarthy bullied witnesses. Great job!

Diane said...

Nice posting, and interesting visual.

Otavio said...
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Jonas said...

It looked a little short for a group project, but other then that. the information was good and to the point. Good job

Madelaine said...

It is very brief but also very informative. I like how every statement goes into more detail about McCarthyism. Good job.

Micaela said...

very informative eventhough it was short. i did not know that McCarthy died from alcoholism. you had a visual which was good.